Fintech cloud
How we designed and tested a global platform for Fintechs in 2 months
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Česká spořitelna is the number one bank on the Czech market and part of the Erste Group. It has over 16 million clients in Central and Eastern Europe.


In 2 months, we designed the product proposition, validated it in the market and found the product/market fit. We created marketing deliverables that helped sell the idea to the bank. This created an official product with its own team and budget.


Jan had an idea, nothing tangible in his hand yet. He needed to see if the market would want his product. As well as outputs to help push the product internally.


A third-party business platform that allows the product to be delivered directly to Erste Internet Banking. Connecting startups and real customers. Kind of like Google Play, but for finance.

Idea driver
Jan Sechovec
Head of Advanced Technologies
and Prototypes
Ikona Linkedin černá

Our assignment


Develop the idea into a concrete form so that it can be understood by the different target groups.


Test the attractiveness of the "Marketplace" extension for end users. This is analogous to Google Play or AppStore to internet banking.


Get feedback from startups, investors and accelerator programs.


And most importantly kill dysfunctional ideas at any time based on research and data.

Project story


Definition of target groups and hypotheses

Duration: 1 week

The first step was to specify WHY and FOR WHOM we make the product. Then we created customer segments, hypothesized about their behavior and defined their main problems.


"Getting first customers is lengthy and expensive."


"Startups come to us with great ideas but no market data."


"We want to get our products and services even closer to customers and gain new marketing space."

Accelerators and incubators

"We need to provide our clients with more banking know-how."

End user segments
Digital User
Digital user
Konzervativní cílová skupina
Hypothesis #1
Hypothesis #2
Hypothesis #3
They won't want third-party banking products.
They will not find a real use for them (they will not find a benefit).
They won't use the Marketplace to find new stuff.


Deep understanding of target groups

Duration: 2 weeks

We learned how the representatives of the target groups work and what problems they solve. We tested our hypotheses.

User testing
Uživatelské testování
In-depth interviews
Hloubkové rozhovory
Guerrilla Research
Guerilla výzkum


Prototype and user journey

Duration: 1 month

We created a faithful prototype of online banking with Marketplace extensions and specific services that customers wanted.


Test by sale

Duration: 1 month

We found the target group and actually sold our solutions. We went to countries with a more advanced market (Berlin, Barcelona). We didn't want to reinvent the wheel if someone had already been through it.

Mapa, kde došlo k výzkumu

The whole project took 2 months

Ikona OK

Research outputs

End users want our solution

Hypothesis #1
They won't want third-party banking products.
"I understand that I am paying for my comfort by providing a third party with information about me. I can live with that."
Hypothesis #2
They will not find a real use for them (they will not find a benefit).
Digital User
Digital User
"I hate having to create a new account and download an app for every stupid thing. This would solve that. I'd use it for mobile carrier payments, energy, gym passes, travel (tickets, accommodation),..."
Hypothesis #3
They won't use the Marketplace to find new stuff.
"I would love to have my favorite stores there, where I often shop. It's mainly a time saver. In some ways it would work for me, like keeping track of deadlines."

Fintechs have expressed interest

We received feedback from 40 startups across Europe and the campaigns generated 21 validated leads.

Quantitative research
Quantitative data funnel
Image with Questionaire results

Benefits of the project

Proof of concept

Through prototyping, we were able to validate the product without the need for expensive development.

Proof of concept
Reální zákazníci
Real customers

The campaign and personal sales brought us customers before the project was even born.


With product feedback, we killed the blind spots and focused on the essentials.

Mapa, kde došlo k výzkumu
Client shift

The outputs helped our customer to promote the idea throughout the Erste Group.


Fotka Jan Sechovec
Jan Sechovec
Head of Advanced
Technologies and Prototypes
"Working with Outboxers got us out of the box, meaning we got feedback beyond our HQ and from people we couldn't have easily reached. At the same time, they gave us competencies that we don't have on our own. The concrete outputs helped me and my stakeholders to understand what we had created. And we got support."
Fotka Tomáš Žďára
Tomáš Žďára
Team Lead, Advanced
Technologies & Prototypes
"A well-constructed online proposition and instructional video (explainer) is worth 1000 words, hours of meetings and mutual explanations. Consolidated international validation of critical hypotheses, including product-market fit with the vigour and speed with which the Outboxers team grasped it, is then something we would have cooked up purely internally, were barely capable of doing and at the very least would have taken us many times longer."
Fotka Petr Biskup
Petr Biskup
FintechCloud &
API Premium specialist
"Working with Outboxers is great because it really helps us think 'outside the box'. Not only did they help us create a marketing campaign, they also researched for us to see if what we came up with was viable and if people were interested in it. They prepared the materials for us so that we can easily use them for anyone we meet, whether it's startups, my mom, or top bank executives."

Together at the conference

Conference X4B, Prague
We presented the project with the client at a UX conference. We talked about our journey together - one from the client's perspective, the other from the supplier's perspective. Do you know a better feeling than when the client literally stands up (on stage) for your work?
Fotka konference
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